Course Description
Divorce Shame Sucks.
We live in a culture that prizes marriage and despises divorce:
Back in the day, divorce wasn't an option.
Divorce is the easy way out.
People who get divorced don't understand commitment.
Children of divorce have all kinds of problems compared to their peers.
And therefore those who go through the process can't help but feel guilty and take on some of the shame.
You think you're a bad person.
You feel like a bad partner.
You worry that you're a bad parent.
These thoughts are undeniably confirmed by the world around you:
You lose friends.
Your children are mad at you.
Your ex hates you.
As a result, you might retreat and isolate yourself. Perhaps you throw yourself into the role of becoming a perfect parent, despite the divorce. Or maybe you look for distractions in the form of new friends, food, or substances that help you numb the pain and forget your transgression.
Still, you feel like you're marked in some way. And your life will never be the same. Because you got divorced, and divorce is bad.
...But what if you could change that?
How would you feel if you were able to shake off the shame?
How would your life be different if you could accept and embrace your past? If you could proceed with confidence?
What if you didn't think your divorce had an impact on your worth?
The truth is that you don't have to subscribe to other people's ideas about divorce and what it means for you.
The fact is that you have the power to step off that Shame Train and step into a new way of living.
Through this mini course, I'll hold space for how you feel, while also helping you to question the prevailing "wisdom," and reclaim personal power over your story.
Do you have $19 and a couple hours to change your life?
Divorce Coach
Tara Eisenhard
Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
An Introduction The Course
How to use this course
A Short Personal Assessment
A Moment for Empathy
Step 1: Challenge The Narrative
The Myth of The Good Old Days
The Myth of Our "Throwaway Culture"
Why Everyone Stays Married "'Til Death Death Do They Part"
You're a Different Person Now
Marriage Is "Work"
Step 2. Flip The Script
Introduction to Step 2
Divorce Doesn't Define You
Words Matter: A New Vocabulary
New Ways of Thinking About Divorce
Step 3: Start A New Chapter
Welcome to Step 3
Set A Goal
Set A Boundary
(Re)Tell Your Story
Wrapping Up
More Resources For You
Before You Go...